every breath be conscious of the breath! Proper breathing not only improves our
circulation but our memory too. Each breath, consciously breathed, can restore
calm, peace and sanctity. Breath is a link that directly connects us to the
soul, to the Supreme. Let us envision we are breathing in what Bhagawan is
breathing out! Then, each breath will be a revelation, our salvation. Each
breath can help us explore all that is within.
In the beginning, we may breathe in the divine and breathe out all that is not
required. Then, gradually as the cleansing process advances, with immense
confidence, we begin to breathe in all that is divine and breathe out divine
too! When we consciously breathe out the divine too…then won’t our environment
vibrate with divinity? Will it not raise our frequency to tune into that which
is our truth?
Shall we, on this day, breathe in the Light of Beloved Bhagawan and breathe out
His Radiance too…which gleams within our core, in each drop of blood, in each
cell and atom of our being? Breathe in the Lord’s Compassion, breathe out His
Mercy; breathe in His Selflessness, breathe out His Generosity; breathe in His
Bliss, breathe out His Joy…the joy of the soul; breathe in His Presence,
breathe out His Essence; breathe Him in, breathe Him out; He is and we are His;
breathe in His Equanimity, His Harmoniousness, His Wholeness, His Cosmic Peace
and…breathe out His Oneness!
Divine, See And Serve Divinity To All!
Invoke, Evoke, Involve, And Evolve.